Introduction to Suyog Sunderji Wisdom School Learning Environment
Suyog Sunderji Wisdom School believes that every child is unique and has a right to education. Therefore, our school integrates children from all walks of life, thus creating extraordinarily learning world for all students.
We believe that learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, and knowledge makes you great. Maintaining the young child’s natural investigative nature to explore, we provide an environment that caters to that need.
Our custom made curriculum is built on the foundation of years of experience and research on neuroscience, which truly helps the child to excel further in their crucial developmental age. Our curriculum allows the child to learn through multi-sensory approach which leads to development of critical thinking and extra ordinary learning skills.
In our progressive programmes, the child receives the utmost attention and assistance in opening their true potential.
Overview Of Foundation Block
At Suyog Sunderji Wisdom School we cater a “Kaleidoscopic Curricula” which attempts to place children’s interests & ideas at the heart of its learning experience.
Kaleidoscopic Curricula focuses on developing the “whole child” – emphasising collaborative, hands on learning activities shaped by children’s questions about the world around them along with art & music which are integrated into the other areas of study.
Children are provided with materials, experiences, tools and resources to be investigated and they are encouraged to explore and reflect on their findings and discuss their answers & solutions.

Overview Of Preparatory Block
Grade 3-5 are the exciting years for students at SuyogSunderji Wisdom School as they move into the Primary Years Programme.
Learning in the primary years focusses on below parameters:
Inquiry Based | Collaboration | Differentiation | Concept-driven | Community Projects
Our entire teaching learning approach helps students to develop greater independence as they complete research projects, work collaboratively with their peers, explore various technology driven platforms to communicate their understandings, and experience a greater emphasis on applying what they know to strengthen their skills.
Overview of Middle Block
We promote the principle of concurrency of learning, whereby students deal with a balanced curriculum each year in which different subjects are studied simultaneously. As students mature and develop higher-order thinking skills, they explore the various disciplines in ever greater depth, identifying how each are linked and establishing their relevance to local and global issues.
Our curriculum focuses on:
Developing Independent 21st Century Learners | Deepening Core Skills | Exploring New Interests Keeping Students Engaged and Motivated
We encourage the use of a variety of teaching and learning methodologies fostering a climate in which students discover how they learn best in different situations, emphasize the development of the whole person.